Monday, March 21, 2011

Convenience Store Security Tips

The National Association of Convenience Stores maintains these stores are safe, with as many as 80 percent reporting no crime annually. However, law enforcement organizations identify these businesses as "problem-oriented" and strive to improve their safety with convenience store security tips.


The Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, a nonprofit police-affiliated organization, offers convenience store security tips. Their advice, based on research, identifies factors determining criminal activity at a convenience store.

Unfortunately, the aspect making these stores so convenient--operating hours--is also the No. 1 contributor to robbery. Over half of all C-store robberies occur between 10 p.m. and 12 a.m. and on the weekends. Increasing staff, and even police presence, during these hours can deter criminals.


Other factors strongly influence robbery. The store's interior and exterior layout can aid or prevent crime. Visibility is a key word. People should be able to easily see in and out of a store with check-out stations in clear sight from the street. Bright lighting inside and outside also wards off crime as does location. Stores in a commercial setting are robbed less than those in residential neighborhoods.

Another valuable tool is video surveillance. The National Association of Convenience Stores reports 53 percent less robberies in stores under video surveillance.

Often the type of convenience store plays a part in security. Larger, franchised stores generally have more funds available for security measures than smaller "mom and pop shops." In addition, stores with gas pumps report less robbery due to increased activity. Large stores have proven policies and extensive employee training limiting their victimization. Massive operations like 7-Eleven stores, one of the founders of the convenience store, even commission their own studies about crime prevention.


Though thieves will steal cigarettes and alcohol, cash is their preferred treasure. Althena Research Corporation reports 80 percent of robberies are prevented by limiting cash in the registers. Retailers should advertise this fact, as well as the presence of video surveillance, by posting signs. Convenience store security tips involve making the store unpopular with criminals.


Even with measures in place, retailers cannot always avoid crime. Criminals, especially those involved in drug activities, are impulsive and in need of quick cash. In desperation, a criminal can target any location.

Law enforcement agencies discourage employees from trying to prevent a crime in process. Employees are advised to remain calm, quiet and complaisant. Basically, do what the criminal says but keep mental details of the assailant.

Customers as well are asked not to get involved. Though bystanders are shown by the media as helpful, the result in most cases is injury or death.
Center for Problem-Oriented Policy on C-Store Security