Monday, April 25, 2011

Increase the Success of Your Point of Purchase Displays

Point of purchase displays are often your best salesperson, therefore, you should optimize your POP Displays for maximum exposure and consumer benefits.  Always keep in mind that shoppers will only see your display for a few short seconds before deciding whether or not to buy.  So use short messages that can be read from a short distance very quickly.

Foster relationships with retailers and gain valuable insight into how your display is perceived and tips on improving your chances to make a sale.  And, use these tips to help you sell more of your products, more quickly and win you more satisfied customers:
  1. Include a “call to action” – Tell shoppers exactly what you want them to do.  Whenever possible, insert some urgency with an expiration date for gaining the most possible benefit from your products.
  2. Make your message readable and understandable at a glance – Use digital printing with big, bold messages so shoppers can understand them at a glance
  3. Link the display with other in-store advertising or your brand’s broader marketing campaign – When possible, piggyback your promotions for reinforcement.  The more shoppers see your message, the more likely they are to make a purchase.
  4. Work with retail staff on how to assemble and where to place your display – If you can make the time, speak with retail staff personally and get their ideas on best placement.
  5. The retailer also must know whether you have an exclusive offering tied into your display – Is there an exclusive bonus offer tied to your display?  If so, let staff know so they can point it out and answer questions if they arise.
  6. Give the retailer incentive to sell your deal to customers – Provide retailers with incentives and your products are sure to get a little extra attention.  This doesn’t always have to include money; use your imagination.
  7. All elements of the display, including the packages, should be durable enough to survive the life of the promotion – Have you thought about how your display may look after a couple of weeks on the shelf?  Make sure you’re using quality products.
  8. Determine how all items in the display can be most cost-effectively distributed to stores – Depending on your service area, it may be more convenient or cost-effective for you to deliver product personally.  Other times, mail is more appropriate.
  9. Ensure that the results from your P-O-P effort can be effectively monitored and measured – Don’t just track unit sales.  Track best sales times, shopper demographics and which stores are selling more than others.
  10. Are the components of your display easily and efficiently recycled? – Shoppers are more and more likely to purchase products packaged in recycled or recyclable materials.  Be sure to highlight the fact that yours are.